Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer Effects Pedal
Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer Effects Pedal
6 Quiet Street
Bath BA1 2JS
United Kingdom
The Ibanez Tubescreamer TS9 guitar effects pedal is somewhat of an industry standard drive pedal that has been used by many guitarists for years. This sought after pedal provides a rich, smooth drive that has characteristics of old tube amplifiers. The warmth of tube amps has been the goal for most of the over-drive pedals that exist; the TS9 really does cut it.
However, the Ibanez Tubescreamer has been the choice 2nd to none by people searching for the best, because it lets the guitar sing so well in its original voice.The tone can be heard in playing by countless musicians over the years and still keeps fascinating new generations. The Ibanez TS9 effects pedals is a versatile pedal that features three controls in order to receive that authentic tone.
'DRIVE' adjusts the amount of distortion on the guitars signal path.
'TONE' controls the amount of high frequency contour. Adds bite to the sound, or makes it mellower.
'LEVEL' controls the level of distorted signal, but does not affect the normal signal.
Useful for matching the distortion level to the normal level when switching the effect in and out.These TS9 Effect Pedals sound great through a clean amp and are an awesome pedal to add to your pedal board.